Saturday, December 7, 2019

I dont know where do i begin

Hello, from the first lines of this letter I just intend to explain to you that i really dream to meet a faithful male that will not just become a

I really want to create a family based on real love, shared comprehension along with proper care. It is also extremely important to share common ideas and motivations regarding lifestyle.
Please, write me, what are your likes and dislikes, precisely what are your needs.
Do you h>ave any dreams you have and what are your ideas for future years??
If there is anything you don't want share with me right now, I'm going to understand, don't
worry. And of course, i will tell you everything about me personally you feel the need to know.
And now i wish you all the best. will be waiting for your letter!

P.S. I am 28 yo and im coming from Kiev, Ukraine.
What is your age and just where are you coming from?

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