Friday, February 8, 2019

Past Time Awareness, Present Time Awareness and Coming Time Awareness ⏰

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You are invited to test daTime

Dear Beta Tester.

The team in charge of the developments and the production of the mobile app needs your support and your feedbacks more than ever about its Beta version, now available, and preceding the « general public version » to be launched in 2019.

You are invited to join without further delay its official & privileged Group of testers, by clicking on the black buttons below, depending on the smartphone type you want to use for performing the tests: Apple iOS & Google Android.

If you do not have the faintest idea what the mobile app daTime will do and how it will change the world? It will be a simple and general application about Time, in a holistic way. Time you spend to [...], Time you don't spend to [...], Time you loose, win, save, avoid or waste in everyday life. Your Time but also the Time of your relatives, your friends, your colleagues. Time of anything observable, with a Start, a Pause, a Stop and a Title. Not with just 99 hours limit: but with days, months or years, sometimes automatically thanks to devices technologies, sometimes manually with user action. A multitude of Time data will be stored & visualisable in the app, in order to respond and to satisfy an existing see obvious human need : « Past Time Awareness, Present Time Awareness and Coming Time Awareness ». User imagination will be the only limit. Really. For instance, one day, daTime aspire to give you an idea of your Time spend...

● to work : like madmen
● to do : your best
● to witness : this colleague laziness
● to expect : she reimburses your 500 dollars
● to watch : NetFlix
far from : Instagram
● to underestimate : Global Warming reality
● to wait : for a miracle
● to give : naively overtime to your manager
● to avoid : sensitive subjects
● to be : right
● to watch : Youtube videos
● in the company
: of your bestie
● to be : wrong
● to suffer : lower abdominal pain [ Healthcare domain spread... ]
● to tolerate : this kind of behaviour...
without : spending any money
● to wait : the day he will say « I am sorry »
● to keep hoping : your relatives say « Good job, I'm proud of you »
● to believe : in God
● to no longer stand : IT guys...
● to believe : in nothing!
● to smoke : 4 cigarettes per day
● to minimize : the violence of your statements
● to be bored : at work
● to not devour : 2 burgers per day
● to think : about this moment
● to judge : a person without...
● to place : phone calls
● to see : where they can't see
● to pay : for a social security insurance [ Insurance industry spread... ]
● to eat : at the workstation
● to complain : about your boss
inside : your living room
● to search : for a solution...
● to support : this politician and his ideas
● to refuse : to stay open-minded
● to love : your neighbor as yourself
● to forget : her birthday
● to ignore : your father
hoping : for peace in the world
● to not understand : that mobile app...
● to risk : your position
● to wait : she admits her failure
● to stay : calm
● to be : jealous
● to short : Bitcoin pump and dumpers
● to build : confidence
● to prove : the opposite
● to handle : an awful dental pain [ Dentistry sector spread... ]
● to imagine : a political action
● to lose : purchasing power
● to contradict : his comments
outside : your house
● to make : killer deals
● to ensure : your rear at work
● to refuse : to see the truth
● to call : for the best

And so on, and so on. And for each one, the app will provide a simple Total Time screen, letting you imagine a Share and Compare feature, with friends / colleagues / relatives / close people / celebrities... Inside an organization that have invited all its fellows to use daTime, or for a little group of friends using the app together (mutual & social way), you can imagine Aggregation of Time data too...

Now you may be wondering how so many things (crazy things) will be possible? possible to suggest and then to track, per user and over hours or years? This is why a project like daTime is coming soon, will try to achieve, and thus will need you, as soon as possible as a Beta tester, a volunteer. Having your experience, opinion, feedbacks & suggestions will help us to release the app in the best conditions! Please do not hesitate to forward this message to your friends, to mobilize as many people as possible around you.

If you don't want to be a tester at all, maybe because you are an investor, or someone connected to serious investors, financially equipped for early stage startups like Da Relative Company SAS - behind daTime & from France, please consider and forward as soon as possible:

● Our fundraising status and world rank on Crunchbase:

● Our fundraising email address just in case:

Time concerns all of us...

Thank you,
Have a nice day.


daTime's Staff. +

In accordance with the current regulations on data protection: GDPR, if you no longer wish to be concerned by all this, we inform you that we are required to delete your email address and any other personal data about you, from when we no longer have the consent, or we never got it. If you aren't interested and don't want to hear from us again, just reply 'No thanks' to this mail and your nonacceptance will be effective, as an strong, immediate and permanent list unsubscribe, no new messages in the future. If you are agree to get later updates from us, you can click here for being a member of our Tester's Group, in a GDPR way thanks to MailChimp online service.

© Copyright 2018 Da Relative Company, french startup.
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