Saturday, January 28, 2017

Sweet dreams my dear!

In the world so it is a lot of people, it is a lot of friends but why that I have not found till now the one to whom I can give the heart.
And that I did not do, as though I did not search for the happiness, I could not find it! And till now I one. And now when I write this letter to a little familiar man, I do not understand what for I it I do. But I have dared, I will add up to the end, and I will look forward to hearing. And after, after we can communicate, and you can the one for whom I so long searched. But all depends only on, whether you are lonely? And whether you are ready to begin dialogue? There is at you an interest?
I Erika. I live in Azerbaijan. I will put the photo. And if in your answer you answer me with the same, will send the photo, and you will tell the name, and whence. We to make it one step to our dialogue. And who knows, that us will expect. And we can be good friends, and can and more. Who does not know, that waits for us, and what future at us.
On it I have made the first step, and now all depends on you.
Good luck.

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