3 people on Badoo are waiting to chat with you!3 people are waiting for you to chat:This email is part of our messages and comments delivery procedure. You can choose to ignore this email if you don't like the content of your messages. Have fun! The Badoo Team You have received this message as a registered Badoo member, as part of our member notifications. This email is automatically generated and any replies to this message will not be monitored or answered. You can change your notification settings at any time.. |
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
3 people on Badoo are waiting to chat with you!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Be the first to chat with new girls in Gironde
Be the first to chat with new girls in GirondeChat with them now!Match and meet up! The Badoo Team P.S: Members with completed profiles receive a lot more attention. You have received this message as a registered Badoo member, as part of our member notifications. This email is automatically generated and any replies to this message will not be monitored or answered. You can change your notification settings at any time.. |
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Delfine, 38 - Want to meet up?
Delfine, 38 - Want to meet up?Je veux juste un dialogue avec un homme, 31-40 ans Thank you, The Badoo Team P.S: Stay safe, tell others where you are planning to go. This is a post-only mailing. Replies to this message are not monitored or answered. You have received this message as a registered Badoo user, to control which emails you receive please change your settings. |
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Be the first to chat with new girls in Gironde
Be the first to chat with new girls in GirondeChat with them now!Match and meet up! The Badoo Team P.S: Add more friends... Find people you know on Badoo or invite them to join you! This is a post-only mailing. Replies to this message are not monitored or answered. You have received this message as a registered Badoo user, to control which emails you receive please change your settings. |
3 people on Badoo are waiting to chat with you!
3 people on Badoo are waiting to chat with you!3 people are waiting for you to chat:This email is part of our messages and comments delivery procedure. You can choose to ignore this email if you don't like the content of your messages. Have fun! The Badoo Team This is a post-only mailing. Replies to this message are not monitored or answered. You have received this message as a registered Badoo user, to control which emails you receive please change your settings. |